Monthly Archives: April 2020

Food and reflection during CoVid

All this time at home leads to reflection. No?

I love food. It’s essential, yes, but so much more. Satisfying, nurturing, comforting, creative, exciting. Food is all that for me.

Food and wine has been comforting the last few weeks. We’ve eaten our favourite breads, slathered in cultured butter and drank some of our best wines. We’ve even indulged in desserts.

I miss restaurants. Especially with a table of friends. All that laughter and good cheer.

But I also love to grow, shop and prepare food. I love to shell peas, shuck corn and sauté onions. So staying at home’s not all bad. With a well stocked pantry and cellar and more time for cooking, we’re not suffering but I can’t wait to hear the clink of glasses as we share again with friends and family.

So what have we been eating and drinking?

Roasted vegetable salad with roasted garlic aioli and pumpkin seeds
Syrah is one of my favourite varietals. Black Hills consistently makes my favourite


Grilled tuna dinner. Beet mayo for potatoes.
I crave the tuna melts so have to make the full tuna dinner.
Pinot Noir from Meyer Family is surely one of  BC’s best.
Always excited when my annual shipment of Carmenere arrives.